Entrepreneur - Vulner-able Journey

Swaminathan Gopal
1 min readJun 16, 2022


The mistakes were plenty
And I hid in them,
That was a mistake too

There is nothing at all
Wrong in admitting
The difficulties you are going through

It took me some time,
And I can openly share,
To accept I didn’t know it all

And of course I knew this
From the very start
I just didn’t want to highlight every fall

But it was a part of the process
And I made it harder
For my business and for myself

The more I hid,
The more I fell,
The harder I found it to seek help

The moment I identified
My go to people
Those to advise, guide and teach

The moment I revealed
My fears and faults
How little success I had achieved

I uncovered
A new strength
A strength that made me able

It was right there
In my many weaknesses
Right there in being vulnerable!

