Gratitude for 2023, Embracing 2024


Thank you 2023, Welcome 2024

Each year that passes
Teaches something
It leaves its nuggets of wisdom behind

Like arresting the present
And learning from past whims
So the future reflects an improved mind.

Like uncertainties are sure
And we can live through them
Even enjoy them, I dare say

Like making wellness
The heart’s daily anthem
So the mind gets tuned to the healthy way.

Like taking time out
For friends and family
For mentors and colleagues

Like being thankful
For their loyal involvement
For choosing to be apart of my journey.

Year 2023
Has caused me
To value these things so much more

And as it ends
It leaves me preparing
To welcome and learn from 2024!

Wishing you all a vibrant health and a better planet in 2024 — may we all nurture ourselves and our world with care and compassion!

