The bonds that can’t be undone

Swaminathan Gopal
1 min readAug 6, 2023


Often taken for granted,
This special bond,
Considers no creed, race or colour
Of which to be fond.

The language of friendship
Is widely understood
From country to country,
In every neighborhood.

Whether of a dynamic
Where the group is alike and small,
Or if its a great band of people
Not in the least alike at all

The code remains the same
Loyalty and fun.
The glue that holds it together
Is each one’s contribution

To the other’s personal development,
To the group’s collective growth
Offering truth and correction
Sometimes not on a friendly note.

Friends scold and teach us,
At times with tough love
Which should be equally appreciated
As is kind, gentle support.

Friendship growing apart
Is a part of it too.
We begin going through life
Separate from the crew

The harder life gets,
The more we see
That life without friends
Is a life harder than hard needs to be.

Always there to celebrate us,
Never failing to show up,
Saving us in times of trouble,
Sharing in joy and doubt, friends.

